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General info about Finland
General info about Finland includes facts about Finland and history of Finland. Let's unfold the information about Finland. Finland is a European country having Helsinki as its capital city. Its official name is the Republic of Finland or Suomen Tasavalta.
Languages & Currency Of Finland
General information of Finland includes the official language and official currency of Finland. The official language of Finland is two in number. These are Finnish language and Swedish language. Both are frequently used languages. But, the majority of the population speaks Finnish.
Official Currency Of Finland
The official currency f Finland is Euro. There are about 28 states of Europe. Out of these 28 states, 19 states use Euro as their official language. Finland is one of these European countries who use the Euro currency.
Independence Day Of Finland
General Info about Finland reveals the fact that this country was previously a part of Sweden. However, it got independence from Russia on December 6th, 1917.
Popular Cities Of Finland
General info about Finland tells that it is one of the countries that have the lowest birth rate. General info about Finland tourism unfolds the most popular cities for tourism in Finland. These include Helsinki, Porvoo, Tampere, and Turku. They have several outstanding museums, landscapes, resorts, castles, towers, and National parks. If you are planning to visit Finland during your vacations then you should definitely add thrill to your trip by experiencing skiing over there.
Economy Of Finland
When it comes to General info about Finland economy, it is found out that forests are one of the major sources of the country’s economy. The minor mineral deposits of the country are iron pyrites, copper, iron, lead, nickel, zinc, and chromium.
Weather Of Finland
Finland is also known as the Land of a Thousand Lakes. The country has about 187,888 lakes. General info about Finland weather reveals that its weather is quite fascinating. It experiences both the dark and cold winters and the summer too. It is also known as The Land of Midnight Sun.
Food Of Finland
Coffee is one of the most consumed items in Finland. Finns love to enjoy coffee and milk. Milk is indeed the national drink of this country. General info about Finland geography tells that it secures the position of being the 8th largest country of Europe.
Prime Minister Of Finland
Interesting general info about Finland includes that it is the only European country which has female as its prime minister and president. Päijänne Water Tunnel is located in Finland. Its length is about 120km. It is considered to be the 2nd longest tunnel in the world.
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