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Languages in Finland
The northern European country which is well known for its mesmerizing beauty is Finland. Finland has the Euro as its official country and its capital city is Helsinki.
Facts About Finland
If you are planning to enjoy your vacations in Finland then it is necessary to know about different facts of the country. Get to know about the most popular places to visit in Finland, languages in Finland, car hire in Finland, best hotel booking in Finland and lots more.
Official Language of Finland
When it comes to the Languages in Finland, Swedish and Finnish is found out to be the Finland official languages. Tourists are curious to know about the Finland National language. It is because language is the main source of communication. Having a grip on the Finland languages is a plus point for the tourists. It makes it convenient for them to communicate with the people of Finland.
National Language Of Finland
The National language in Finland are taught in the educational institutes of Finland. Among the languages of Finland, Finnish is the most frequently spoken languages. Almost 93% population of Finland speaks Finnish. Swedish is another official languages in Finland which is spoken by almost 6% of the country’s population.
Native Languages Of Finland
The native languages in Finland include Russian, Estonian, Arabic, Spanish, Turkish, Thai, Chinese and English. Some other minorities languages in Finland are Somali, Kurdish, Persian, Albanian, German and Polish. The Finnish language is the languages in Finland which seems to have a similarity with the Estonian. There are a huge number of languages that are spoken in the country. Their number is about 150.
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