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Cyprus Custom Rules

Every country in the world has some custom rules, in the same manner, there are some Cyprus custom rules. According to the Cyprus customs law, there are some goods whose imports and exports are restricted in the state. The restrictions are implemented by the Cyprus Customs and Revenue Department. These custom rules Cyprus are for the protection of society and a safe environment. According to the Cyprus customs rules, some of the goods are totally banned in the state and others can be imported or exported but with a limit.

Cyprus Custom Law & Rules

Cyprus Custom Rules states that the import of narcotic drives, obscene mattered such as videocassettes, flick knives, biological weapons, good used for illegal hunting of game, counterfeit bank notes, firearms and other weapons, and production products of different natures are forbidden in the state and can not be imported.

Cyprus Custom Rules for Yollowing Products 

The things that are allowed but the limit is given include animals which have import license, cinematograph films which should have verification if cinema is included in official list of film or not, explosives or fireworks having an import license from the inspector of mines and meat or dish with a certificate of suitability for human, there is a long list which you can check from the restrictions of import list.

Cyprus Custom Rules About Prohibited Items

The prohibited items mentioned in Cyprus customs rules for exports are the same as the important ones. According to Cyprus customs rules, the things that are restricted are Antiques these should have an export license from the director of the Department of Antiquities, material, and equipment for the production of weapons should have a permit from the ministry of commerce industry for export, and wild fauna must also have an export license. These are the Cyprus custom rules that you must know before taking anything there in the country.

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