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UK Custom Rules
United Kingdom custom rules are made for the people of United Kingdom and the tourists that are traveling to the UK. Custom rules are made to improve and maintain the economic cycle of the country and to ensure security measures in imports and exports. Customs rules are very important to follow when you are traveling. If you break any law or rule you are immediately deported according to the laws. United Kingdom rules are also strict enough to maintain their balance.
United Kingdom Custom Rules
United Kingdom custom rules are a bit different for countries that are allied to the European Union and for those who are not. For instance, if you are from an EU country, then you can take as many goods from your country to Uk as you want. But if you are from a non-EU state, then you are allowed only a limited number, and also you have to pay tax on them. Custom duty over goods that are of 120 pounds worth is to be paid according to the customs rate.
Products Allowed to Carry On Airports
From EU countries you can bring fruits, vegetables, meat products, dairy products, and fish even in bulk but if you are not from the EU, then you cannot bring these things. United Kingdom custom rules say that you have to declare stuff over 390 pounds of worth. You cannot bring more than one liter of spirits to the United Kingdom. According to the United Kingdom Custom Rules, you also have to declare cash over ten thousand pounds.
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