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Languages in Eritrea

There are 9 popularly spoken Languages in Eritrea or Eritrea National Language. Languages in Eritrea are Tigrinya and Arabic which are considered to be National Language in Eritrea. The Languages in Eritrea which are not spoken officially are Tigre, Afar, Saho, the Bega also termed as Beja, Bilen, Nara, and Kunama. Of all these nine Languages in Eritrea, the Eritrea Official languages are Tigrinya and Arabic. English is an international language so it is also one of the spoken Languages in Eritrea.

National Language Of Eritrea

The elder nationals of Eritrea also know how to speak Italian due to the fact that Italians settled in Eritrea. Amharic became the official language of Eritrea in the rule of Ethiopia. So Eritrean nationals know the dialects of both Italian and Amharic, so these are also the spoken languages in Eritrea.

Languages Spoken in Eritrea

If you want to visit Eritrea and engage in a conversation with Eritrean nationals or citizens then you might want to learn the spoken languages in Eritrea. The most spoken language is Tigrinya which is spoken by more than half of the nationals of Eritrea. Tigrinya, an Eritrean language, mostly spoken by the Eritrean Orthodox church. Central Kanuri is also one of the languages adopted by the Eritrean citizens from the immigrants settled in Eritrea is the past. One Eritrean language is on the verge of extinction.

Other Languages Of Eritrea

Tigrinya is a  Afro-Asiatic dialect. Semitic is gotten from the Biblical, dialects have a place with a dialect family that incorporates current dialects, for example, Tigrinya, Tigre, Amharic Hebrew, Arabic, and Maltese from Malta.

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