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General info about Gambia
General knowledge of any country you are planning to visit is very much important. General information about Gambia is important if you are planning to visit the Gambia. This information includes the weather, food, culture, religion, currency, government and other major details which would help you to plan your trip easily and accordingly. General information about the Gambia will help you know about the trends, the vacations, the hotel bookings, the tourism sites all of these things will help you with your stay there. General information about Gambia should be collected before you fly to the Gambia.
Information About Gambia
The full official name of the Gambia is The Islamic Republic of Gambia. The Gambia is one of the smallest countries in the world. It is spread over a few thousand kilometers on the coast of Atlantic and Senegal. The Gambia has a total population of about 1.7 million out of which 440 thousand people live in the capital city of the Gambia which is Banjul. The Gambia is one of the West African countries after its independence in 1965. Prior to 1965, The Gambia was called British Gambia, and it belonged to the British government. The Gambia also fought along British allies in the world war 2.
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National Language of Gambia
The official language of The Gambia is English and is widely spoken and understood among the population, but the Gambia also has its own native languages which are more common among the Gambian population. These languages include Mandinka, Wolof, and Fula that are the widely spoken languages in the Gambia. The official and the largest religion of Gambia is Islam. Over 90% of the Gambian population is Muslim. Minorities in the Gambia include Christians, Jews, and Hindus.
Facts About Gambia
The Gambia is the poorest country of the African continent because of is bad and consistently worse economic conditions. The Gambian population relies on agriculture and farming; The Gambia produces the finest quality groundnuts also known as peanuts and is a big exporter of it. The people of Gambia also add these peanuts in their cuisines and peanuts are a major part of their food diaries. The national dish of the Gambia is also stewed peanuts served with vegetables.
Other Information About Gambia
Being a poor country child labor rate is very high in the Gambia as children work with their parents to support their families. The medical condition of the country is also not so good. Despite all these setbacks the Gambia manages to capture the eyes of tourists due to its natural beauty and exotic wildlife. General information about the Gambia can also be obtained by the Gambian embassy or their official website.
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