Select Embassy in Islamabad
Before you Fly to Saudi Arabia
Before you fly to Saudi Arabia must check all the requisite documents and keep them safe along with your passport. The most important thing you should know before flying to Saudi Arabia is the dress for both men and women. Both men and women should cover up their arms, legs and chest areas. Before you flying to Saudi Arabia to take part in Hajj or Umrah, you should carefully read the information and advice on the website of the Saudi Arabia Embassy Islamabad or Saudi Arabia Embassy in your residence.
Is it Safe to Go to Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is usually a safe place to travel, you may have to follow their strict dress codes, both men and women should cover up properly and follow Islamic practices and law because Saudi Arabia is a strict Muslim country, the women cannot travel alone without their husband or relatives.
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Can Pakistani Citizen Go To Saudi Arabia
Pakistani citizens need a visit visa to enter Saudi Arabia, the Pakistani Embassy in Saudi Arabia cannot sponsor private Saudi Arabia visas for Pakistani citizen For now- Muslim Pakistani citizen who are traveling to Jeddah, must explain the purpose of their trip and show the evidence of an appointment before being allowed to board a flight to Saudi Arabia.
Do I need a Visa to Travel to Saudi Arabia
All travelers, including pilgrims, need a visa to enter Saudi Arabia. You should apply for a Saudi Arabia visa through your Saudi Arabia Embassy or Consulates, however, Saudi Arabia will be not allowed everyone to apply for a Saudi Arabia e-visa only to the 35 countries that are eligible.
Saudi Arabia Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan
You can also contact Saudi Arabia embassy Islamabad for details and information about your queries. From the embassy office, you can get exact details about your requirements and needs or you can drop your questions to us. We can guide you as well.
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