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Saudi Arabia Weather

If you planning to travel to Saudi Arabia and want to know the all about Saudi Arabia Weather forecast, online you can easily access hourly, 10 to 15 days weather forecasts for Saudi Arabia. You can also check the current Saudi Arabia weather forecast of 19 cities with temperature including high and low temperature along with up to the minute's reports and videos. Saudi Arabia weather forecasts also warn you about storm alerts, humidity, an average day and night temperature and sunshine hours.

Seasons in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia mainly has two seasons; Summer and Winter. Saudi Arabia Summer Season is usually hitting in June and July with an average temperature of 36 Degree Celsius, from May to September day temperature reaches 45 Degree Celsius or may be higher. Saudi Arabia Winter Season is fallen between November to February with heavy fog and an average temperature of 15 Degree Celsius, with the daily sunshine. April is the wettest month in Saudi Arabia with an average of 25 mm of rain. There is provincial variation in temperature depending on closeness to the coast.

Average Temperature In Saudi Arabia

In the middle of the Saudi Arabia capital city Riyadh an average temperature reaches 43 Degree Celsius in July and August, but Jeddah on the Red Sea Coast does not see an average temperature higher above 38 Degree Celsius. Makkah al Mukarramah daytime average temperature reaches 40 Degree Celsius and night temperature drop to 28 Degree Celsius. Usually, rain falls in Makkah in insignificant amounts between November and January. Madinah Al Munawwarah daytime average temperature is 38 Degree Celsius and night time an average temperature is 25 Degree Celsius.


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