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Languages in Benin

Language is the basic thing that helps in communication. Language is responsible for creating friendship and a strong relationship among people. It represents the culture and tradition of people. Being efficient in a language not only help you in interacting with people but also increase your communication skills.

Detailed About Other Languages in Benin

While traveling to Benin one must know about languages in Benin. Benin is a country with 12 million populations. Total Languages to be spoken is 54. Among 54 languages in Benin 9 are spoken at the institutional level, 18 is still developing, 25 are widely spoken and active languages and the remaining 2 are not in stable position among other Languages in Benin. There is a wide variety of languages in Benin. This reflects that 54 different culture and traditions are living in Benin. These 54 languages in Benin show that people from 54 origins and ethnic groups are living together in the same country. One can easily trace the root of people living in Benin by recognizing the languages in Benin. 

National & Other Languages in Benin

Though there are 54 Languages in Benin the most common and widely used language in Benin is French.  French is the official language in Benin. The rest is known as a national language in Benin. The other languages in Benin include Aguna, Aja, Anii, Anufo, Baatonum, Biali, Boko, Dendi, Ditammari, Ede Cabe, Ede Ica, Ede Idaca, Ede Ije, Ede Nago, Fon, Yoruba, and Kunra. The best thing about Benin is even the presence of languages in Benin people are neither extremist nor any confliction between them. They respect different religions and languages followed by many people in Benin.

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