Burma visa validity can be different according to the visa type. As you know Burma offers different visa types for Pakistanis and their validity is also different. Here we are discussing Burma visa validity for Pakistanis in detail. Here you can get complete details about all Burma visa validity including Burma work visa validity, Burma Business visa validity, Burma study visa validity, the Burma Visitor visa validity, Burma family visa validity, Burma settlement visa validity, Burma Transit visa validity, Burma permanent residence visa validity, Burma temporary residence visa validity and Burma Professional visa validity.
Commonly Burma Visa Validity Can Be:
- Burma Work Visa Validity is =
- Burma Business Visa Validity is =
- Burma Study Visa Validity is =
- Burma Visitor Visa Validity is =
- Burma Family Visa Validity is =
- Burma Settlement Validity is =
- Burma Transit Validity is =
- Burma Permanent Residence Visa Validity is =
- Burma Temporary Residence Visa Validity is =
- Burma Professional visa Validity is =
Burma Visa Validity for tourists is only for three months. Tourists can stay in Burma for only 28 days. Burma Visa Validity for Single entry Business visa is 70 days (10 weeks) within three months of issue. Burma Visa Validity for multiple-entry business visas is 10 weeks within six or ten months of issue. They can stay long in the Country by applying for an extension in Visa.
Burma Tourist Visa Validity For Pakistanis
Burma Visa Validity for Pakistanis is for three months after the date of issuance but a citizen of Pakistan can stay in Burma for only 28 days. Then it can overstay in Burma by giving the US $3 per day.
Burma Residence Visa Validity For Pakistani Citizens
Burma Visa Validity for Permanent residence is for five years. People who have completed their five years and want to live more in Burma can apply for an extension every year. Burma Visa Validity For temporary residence is for three months or one year without re-entry to Burma.
Burma Student Visa Fees For Citizens of Pakistan
Burma Visa Validity for the student is of three months from the date of deposit, not a departure. You can stay in Burma for 90 days. According to rules and regulations, the extension can be given to students as decided by Ministry of Education. Burma Visa validity for Professional is for three months. They can stay in Burma for 28 days. They can come back to Burma within three months with the same visa without applying for another visa.
Burma Transit Visa Validity & Other Details
Burma Transit visa is valid for 24 hours if you want to cross-border Rannong to visit Kawthaung. Another transit visa which is for visiting Burma is granted for 28 days. Here you can get complete details about all Burma visa validity including Burma work visa validity, Burma Business visa validity, Burma study visa validity, the
Burma Visitor visa validity, Burma family visa validity, Burma settlement visa validity, Burma Transit visa validity, Burma permanent residence visa validity, Burma temporary residence visa validity and Burma Professional visa validity.
Burma Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan
You can also contact Burma embassy Islamabad for details and information about your queries. From the embassy office, you can get exact details about your requirements and needs or you can drop your questions to us. We can guide you as well.
Burma Visa Validity - Burma Visa Validity For Pakistanis - Burma Visa Validity For Pakistani Citizens - Burma Visa On Arrival - Burma Tourist Visa Duration - Burma Work Visa Duration - Burma Visit Visas Validity - Burma Business Visa Validity - Burma Permanent Residence Visa Validity - Burma Temporary Residence Visa Validity - Burma Student Visa Validity - Burma Professional Visa Validity - Burma Transit Visa Validity
Here you can get complete details about all Burma visa validity including Burma work visa validity, Burma Business visa validity, Burma study visa validity, the Burma Visitor visa validity, Burma family visa validity, Burma settlement visa validity, Burma Transit visa validity, Burma permanent residence visa validity, Burma temporary residence visa validity and Burma Professional visa validity.