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Languages in Colombia
Colombia official language is Spanish, and more than 99.2% of Colombian people speak Spanish in Colombia. There are many other languages in Colombia that can be heard, include 65 Amerindian languages, 2 Creole languages, Romani languages, sign languages, and English are also spoken in the country. English has official status in some regions of Colombia, including Providencia, Santa Catalina, and San Andres Islands. Although Colombians learn the English language in an international school and other institutions in Colombia, they don’t communicate in English with each other.
National Language of Colombia
Colombia’s national language is Spanish and the most widely spoken language in Colombia. From 68 Indigenous languages, only three are spoken by more than 50,000 people in Colombia, and about 30 Languages in Colombia are in danger of becoming extinct languages. The five of them are nearly extinct languages; Tinigua, Tonuya, Carijona, Totoro, and Pisamira has only a few living speakers left, and many Languages in Colombia are already extinct.
Other Languages in Colombia
There are 65 Amerindian or tribal languages, the languages Colombia learned, but they did not try or want to eliminate them. There are two Creole languages in Colombia as well, and The Creole language was the mixer of two languages developed by escaped slaves from Colombia. Palenquero is one of them Spanish-based creole language only about 3000 Colombian speak in villages of southeast Cartagena. If you are traveling to Colombia then you must learn the basic Spanish language of Colombia, maybe if you were lucky enough, you would be able to find someone who can speak English, but you still need to learn the little bit of Spanish to communicate in Colombia.
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