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Languages in Ecuador
Ecuador is comprised of much cultural diversity owing to the people belonging to different backgrounds living there. This is why there are a lot of different languages in Ecuador which are spoken as a primary language in Ecuador. Knowing about languages in Ecuador will make it seem like you respect the traditions and culture in the country and also that you are eager to learn more about the country.
National Language of Ecuador
Ecuador official language is Spanish that is spoken by almost the entire population in Ecuador, 93 percent to be precise, which makes it the national language in Ecuador. Spanish is used as the primary language whether it is for business purposes or normal daily life affairs.
Other Languages in Ecuador
Apart from Spanish other languages that are used as secondary languages include; Achuar-Shiwiar, Awa-Cuaiquer, Cha’palaachi, Cofan, and Colorado which is used in the more northern side of the country. While other than Spanish languages in Ecuador are Siona, Tetete, and waorini. All of these languages in Ecuador were here before the colonial rule of Americans. But the main language in Ecuador which is used for all the official matters is Ecuador. The least spoken language in Ecuador is the Zaparo language which is on the brink of extinction.
Details About National Language in Ecuador
The most influential language after Spanish is the Kichwa which is spoken by approximately 2 million of the population living in Ecuador. It has been included in the school curriculum due to a movement led in 1940 forcing the language into the country’s roots, which to this day remain alive.
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