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Languages in Malaysia
Malaysia is a multi-culture country and Malays, Chinese, Indians, and European are a big part of the country society. So, though Languages in Malaysia also play a significant role in Malaysia culture. Malaysia national language is Bahasa Melayu (Malaysian Malay), spoken by the clear majority of the people. Beside Malay there are lots of other languages are also spoken in Malaysia. After Malays, there is the majority of Indians in Malaysia are Tamils and another popular language Tamil is also spoken in the country. There are other Indian languages also spoken in Malaysia such as Hindi, Punjabi, Telugu, Malayalam, and Gujarati.
Popular Languages in Malaysia
English is also very frequently spoken in Malaysia beside Malay and English is also one of the two official languages of Malaysia. The new generation of Indians has started mixing Malay and English words with their own language. There is a large Chinese community also in Malaysia. Chinese languages such as Hokkien, Cantonese, and Mandarin are also spoken in Malaysia. Most Chinese can also speak English, so you can not have any problems with speaking English in Malaysia.
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Total Numbers of Languages in Malaysia
There are about 136 individual languages listed for Malaysia, 134 are still existing, but 95 of them are in danger, 15 are dying and two of them are extinct. Malaysia is a large Muslim community country, so its mean Arabic is also taught in Islamic schools in Malaysia and lots of the Malay language does derive from Arabic. Most of Malays do not speak Arabic but like some other Muslims, they used some simple Arabic words for impression such as Allah, Alhamdulillah’s, Subhan Allah, Masha Allah, Bismillah, Jazak Allah etc.